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Creating and Implementing an Academic Detailing (AD) Program

Developed for the prescribing of opioids for pain management

doctor crossed hands

Our Goal

Our goal is to equip organizations looking to implement an academic detailing program(s) aimed to impact providers’ opioid prescribing and chronic pain management practices. These resources were developed and supported by the CDC grant no. R01CE003156-01

New Research: Academic Detailing’s Role in Combatting the Opioid Epidemic Heading link

preview of infographic

Our team created an infographic to summarize the findings of a study conducted in 2020 through 2022, which aimed to measure the effectiveness of academic detailing on opioid prescribing for Illinois healthcare providers. A preview of the infographic is shown to the left or you can download a full copy of the material by clicking here.

Toolkit Instructions Heading link

Welcome to your opioid use toolkit! Above you will find a video on how to use and interact with the toolkit to best suit your needs.

Educational Tools & Materials Heading link

Being well prepared and ready to engage with a prescriber during an academic detailing visit are two crucial aspects to providing a
substantive session. The right educational tools and materials will set you up to have the best lasting impact on a provider’s
prescribing practices, enhancing the way patients get cared for.

Below you will find a collection of informational brochures, resources, and handouts on how to navigate key programs that relate to
academic detailing for the purpose of opioid prescribing.

Creating an Academic Detailing (AD) Program Guidebook Heading link

Starting an Academic Detailing Program Guidebook

Based on our previous academic detailing work in Illinois and valuable lessons learned throughout the 3-year project period, our
team developed a manual to provide guidance for the successful development of an opioid-focused academic detailing (AD)
program. This guidebook will include materials related to establishing academic detailing program goals, developing of program
materials, utilizing general and state-specific academic detailing resources, and engagement strategies with relevant stakeholders.

Our goal is to equip organizations with practical and logistical considerations as they look to implement an academic detailing
program aimed to impact healthcare providers’ opioid prescribing and chronic pain management practices. While we use opioid
prescribing outcomes in our examples whenever possible, the overarching ideas in this guide can be applied to any clinician
education that utilizes academic detailing. We provide links to resources and other organizations’ materials as appropriate.

Detailing Visit Evaluation Tools Heading link

An academic detailing program is only as good as the results it provides. In order to best assess your program, the right metrics and data collection tools need to be in place to capture feedback from both the detailers and prescribers.

Program Testimonials Heading link

Academic detailers from IL ADVANCE shared their experiences in the video above.

Below you will find a collection of published manuscripts, abstracts, presentations, and papers that helped form and resulted from this initiative.